17th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Hungary
BEREC held its 17th Plenary Meeting, kindly hosted by the Hungarian National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH), on 5 and 6 December 2013 in Budapest (Hungary).
This was the last meeting held under the Chairmanship of the BEREC Chair 2013 - Dr Leonidas Kanellos, President of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), as in 2014 BEREC will be chaired by Mr Göran Marby, Director-General of the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), who was elected as BEREC Chair 2014 during the Athens plenary (June 2013).
The meeting was divided into 2 parts, namely: meeting of the Board of Regulators and meeting of the Management Committee of the BEREC Office. The meeting was preceded by the Conference on investment in telecoms organised by NMHH, which took place on 4 December 2013.
The mains results of the meeting are as follows:
Board of Regulators
I. Elections of BEREC Chair for 2015 and Vice-chairs for 2014
The BoR elected Dr Fátima BARROS, President of the Board of ANACOM (Portugal), BEREC Chair for 2015, and the following BEREC Vice-Chairs for 2014 (BEREC members, listed alphabetically):
- Ms Asta Sihvonen-Punkka – Director General of FICORA (Finland);
- Mr Domagoj JURJEVIC – Deputy President of the Council of HAKOM (Croatia);
- Mr Jack HAMANDE – Chairman of the Council of BIPT (Belgium).
According to the Rules of Procedure the BEREC Chair for 2015 must serve one year as Vice-Chair in 2014.
II. Documents approved for publication:
2. BEREC Report on the Public Consultation on thedraft BEREC Work Programme 2014;
3. Decision on BEREC Expert Working Groups (EWGs);
4. BEREC Termination Rates Benchmark Snapshot (as of July 2013);
5. BEREC report on transparency and comparability of different roaming tariffs.
III. Documents approved for public consultation:
Review of the BEREC Common Position (CP) on geographic aspects of market analysis.
In order to define the circumstances under which a geographically-differentiated approach to market analysis (definition and remedies) could be deemed appropriate, in 2008 the European Regulators Group (ERG) adopted a CP on geographic aspects of market analysis. In general, the key standings expressed in that document maintain their relevance and are adequate to copper-driven competition. However, some major developments have taken place since 2008, leading BEREC to the conclusion that potential updating of the CP might be needed to reflect the recent developments in the telecom sector, including the recent regulatory changes, deployment of Next Generation Access Networks (NGA) and others.
With a view of wider reflection on the appropriate way forward and in the light of the forthcoming review of the Commission Recommendation on the relevant markets subject to an ex ante regulation, the Board of Regulators decided to include public consultation on the revised CP in the BEREC 2013 Work Programme . The public consultation was launched on 10 December 2013 and will close on 7 February 2014. All interested parties are invited to submit their considerations by said date, preferably in English, to e-mail: [email protected]u.
The BEREC Chair 2013, Dr Leonidas Kanellos, and the BEREC Chair 2014, Mr Göran Marby, presented the outcome of the meeting during a public debriefing on 12 December 2013 in Brussels. The presentation made during the debriefing is available here.
For more information on the outcome of the meeting you can consult the meeting conclusions.
Management Committee of the BEREC Office
The Management Committee of the BEREC Office met to discussed all issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office and approved the BEREC Office Budget for 2014.
12 December 2013, BEREC Office