Access to Emergency Services

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) should establish and maintain a single Union wide database of means of access to emergency services that are mandated and are technically feasible to be used by roaming end users in all Member States. Such a database would help national operators, national regulatory authorities and, where applicable, other competent authorities to be informed of all the means of access to emergency services deployed within the Union.

Country Sort descending Means of Access Description Download Link Additional Information
Austria Emergency calls (voice) 112 European emergency number (Police). 122 Fire brigade. 144 Ambulance. 140 Mountain rescue
Austria Emergency applications 112 European emergency number (Police). 122 Fire brigade. 144 Ambulance. 140 Mountain rescue
Austria Messaging text based emergency call
Belgium Messaging Texting to urgent medical assistance and texting to urgent police assistance 4-digit numbers are used , distributed through deaf- and hearing impaired representative organisations to their membership or through requesting the information from the emergency service (use contacts mentioned on the website) or , information -->
Belgium Messaging Application "App 112 BE" allowing access to urgent medical assistance, urgent police assistance and fire department , has a chat-function for deaf and hearing impaired and speech impaired. The app has enhanced location (using GNSS) , allows for communicating additional (medical) information when emergency communication is set up. "app store" or "play store" , enter "app 112 be" as search item , download and register.