
495 Results: BEREC / Reports
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (12) 132 BEREC Report on differentiation practices and related competition issues in the scope of net neutrality BEREC
BoR (12) 125 BEREC's Review of the Common Positions on wholesale local access, wholesale broadband access and wholesale leased lines BEREC
BoR (12) 130 Draft BEREC Report An assessment of IP interconnection in the context of net neutrality BEREC
BoR (13) 184 Report on the outcomes of the work undertaken on revenue indicators in relation to bundled services - INTERNAL BEREC
BoR (12) 78 BEREC Report on the Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2012 BEREC
BoR (12) 103 BEREC report on the results from the public consultation on issues relating to non-discrimination BEREC
BoR (12) 106 International Roaming - consultation on Article 3 Guidelines: Summary of responses received during the public consultation and BEREC view on issues raised by stakeholders BEREC
BoR (12) 108 Roaming Regulation - Choice of the Decoupling Method: Summary of responses received during the public consultation and BEREC view on issues raised by stakeholders BEREC
BoR (12) 98 Draft report on the outcome ftom the public concultations on the Roaming Regulation - choice of the Decoupling Method: Summary of responses received during the public consultation and BEREC view on issues raised by stakeholders BEREC
BoR (12) 97 International Roaming - consultation on Article 3 Guidelines: Summary of responses received during the public consultation and BEREC view on issues raised by stakeholders BEREC
BoR (12) 86 2012 BEREC Work Programme status BEREC
BoR (12) 79 BEREC Report on mobile broadband prices: benchmarking methodology BEREC
BoR (12) 81 Draft BEREC report on the results from the public consultation on issues relating to non-discrimination BEREC
BoR (12) 80 Termination Rates Benchmark Snapshot (as of July 2012): Integrated Report on Mobile Termination Rates & SMS Termination Rates BEREC
BoR (12) 77 3rd Assessment Report on Article 7/ 7a, Phase II Cases - Conclusions BEREC
BoR (12) 54 BEREC consultation report on Special Rates Services BEREC