Monitoring implementation of the BEREC CP WLA, WCA,WHQAFL - Phase 3

Over the last few years BEREC has undertaken a programme of work which involved revising its broadband common positions (CPs) (relating to the relevant markets 4, 5 and 6 as outlined by the Commission Recommendation of 2007) and developing a methodology to monitor how NRAs are implementing these. Between 2014-2016, BEREC has carried out three monitoring exercises of how NRAs have been implementing the CPs. The three monitoring exercises allow for the full three year cycle between market reviews to be covered by this Common Position work. In 2014 BEREC carried out its first (Phase 1) monitoring exercise and the report was adopted in December 2014. In 2015, BEREC carried out its second (Phase 2) monitoring exercise and the report was adopted in December 2015.

This report sets out the results of the third and final part (Phase 3) of the monitoring exercise which was carried out during 2016. Next year, BEREC will take stock of the results of the monitoring exercise and apply any learnings to a wide ranging scoping exercise that will assess whether there may be a need for any revision to BEREC’s broadband common positions.

Document number: BoR (16) 219
Document date: 25 November 2016
Date of registration: 12 December 2016
Document type:
Author: BEREC