BEREC Report on the Study Visit to Brazil 2024

Document number: BoR (24) 80

Document date: 06-06-2024

Date of registration: 11-06-2024

Document type:
Author: BEREC

Each year, BEREC organises a study visit to a non-member country to gain insights from local electronic communications markets and digital ecosystems. During a typical study trip, the BEREC delegation meets representatives from National Regulatory Authorities, relevant ministries, as well as incumbent operators, smaller operators, and other industry stakeholders. Past destinations have included Japan, Canada, India, the United States of America (both West Coast and East Coast), China and South Korea.

In 2024, BEREC undertook a study visit to Brazil.

During this visit, the BEREC delegation engaged with senior policymakers, top management of various global industry stakeholders (including telecom operators), the Brazilian Network Information Center as well as representatives of the innovation ecosystem. Meetings were held between 5 to 9 February 2024 in Brasilia, Sao Paolo, and Campinas with the aim to learn and exchange about regulatory and other developments in the field of electronic communications, end-to-end connectivity, and the internet ecosystem.