BEREC Report on the outcomes of the public consultation on the draft Work Programme for 2017

Document number: BoR (16) 214

Document date: 08-12-2016

Date of registration: 12-12-2016

Document type:
Author: BEREC

During its 28th plenary meeting (5-7 October 2016, Vilnius) BEREC approved for public consultation the document Draft BEREC Work Programme 2017. The role of the public consultation is to increase transparency and to provide BEREC with valuable feedback from all interested parties.In accordance with the BEREC’s policy on public consultations, BEREC publishes a report summarising how stakeholders’ views have been taken into account. In addition, BEREC also publishes all individual contributions on its website, taking into account stakeholders’ requests for confidentiality. The public consultation was open from 7 October to 2 November 2016.BEREC also held a public hearing on the BEREC Work Programme 2017 on 12 October 2016 organised within the 4th BEREC Stakeholder Forum Meeting. The 4th BEREC Stakeholder Forum Meeting was open for participation to all interested parties. This document summarises the responses received to the public consultation and presents BEREC’s position with regard to suggestions and proposals put forward in those responses, as relevant. In total 9 responses were received from the following stakeholders: C² Coalition, Cable Europe, ECTA, EDRi, EOLO, ETNO, GSMA, MVNO Europe, and WIND. The response of WIND is partly confidential, therefore only WIND’s non-confidential statements are mentioned in this report. Stakeholders’ comments are summarised in accordance with the draft work programme structure and its items.