BEREC Guidelines on Roaming Regulation (EC) N 531/2012 (Third Roaming Regulation) (Articles 4 and 5 on Separate Sale of Roaming Services): Summary of responses received during the public consultation and BEREC view on issues raised by stakeholders

Document number: BoR (13) 81

Document date: 05-07-2013

Date of registration: 05-07-2013

Document type:
Author: BEREC

BEREC Guidelines on Roaming Regulation (EC) N 531/2012 (Third Roaming Regulation) (Articles 4 and 5 on Separate Sale of Roaming Services): Summary of responses received during the public consultation and BEREC view on issues raised by stakeholders, approved by the Board of Regulators via electronic voting procedure held in the period 28 June - 4 July 2013.