BEREC Analysis of individual NRAs’ role around access conditions to State aid funded infrastructure

The “EU Guidelines for the application of the State aid rules in relation to the rapid deployment of broadband networks” set out general conditions for State Aid for broadband networks projects and for the role of NRAs in State Aid schemes. Non-discriminatory open access to the funded broadband infrastructure is generally considered as a prerequisite for State Aid to be consistent with competition law. The EU State Aid Guidelines have now been applied for almost five years. A number of national umbrella schemes and programs have by now been endorsed by the Commission, foreseeing a role for the NRAs.This report examines how access conditions based on the EU State Aid Guidelines have been implemented in different Member States (MS) focusing on the role of the NRAs. It is based on information provided to a questionnaire which was filled out by 24 MS.

Document number: BoR (17) 246
Document date: 07 December 2017
Date of registration: 13 December 2017
Document type:
Author: BEREC