Review of BEREC Common Position on geographic aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies)

In October 2008, the European Regulators Group (ERG) adopted a Common Position on geographical aspects of market analysis. The 2008 Common Position explored under which circumstances a geographically differentiated approach to market analysis (definition and remedies) could be deemed appropriate and how such an approach could be implemented.In general, the main ideas expressed in the 2008 Common Position maintain their relevance and adequacy in relation to copper-driven competition.

However, since 2008 there have been several developments that have led BEREC to analyse whether or not specific points related to these developments mean that an update of the 2008 Common Position is necessary regarding some specific points. In this regard, the present review provides further insight into some of the issues that geographical segmentation raises.

The final result of this BEREC project will be an updated Common Position, integrating the 2008 Common Position as well as the new issues that need to be considered in the light of new market developments.

Document number: BoR (13) 186
Document date: 26 November 2013
Date of registration: 26 November 2013
Document type:
Author: BEREC