Notice for the launch of public consultations from 29 September to 24 October 2014 on the draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017, the draft BEREC Work Programme 2015 and the draft BEREC Guidance on the regulatory accounting approach to the economic replicability test (ex-ante margin squeeze test)

Document number: BoR (14) 130

Document date: 29-09-2014

Date of registration: 29-09-2014

Document type:
Author: BEREC Office

During its 20th plenary meeting (25-26 September 2014, Rome) BEREC approved for public consultation the following documents:

-        Draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017,

-        Draft BEREC Work Programme 2015,

-        Draft BEREC Guidance on the regulatory accounting approach to the economic replicability test (ex-ante margin squeeze test).

The role of the public consultation is to increase transparency and to provide BEREC with valuable feedback from all interested parties.

In accordance with the BEREC’s policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish a report summarising how stakeholders’ views have been taken into account. In addition, BEREC will also publish all individual contributions on its website, taking into account stakeholders’ requests for confidentiality, which should be clearly indicated in the contributions submitted (if any).

The public consultation will run from 29 September to 24 October 2014.

All stakeholders are invited to send their contributions by 24 October 2014 to: [email protected], preferably in English, in order to speed up the processing of the contributions.