Draft BEREC Guidelines on the Roaming Regulation (EU) NO 531/2012 (Third Roaming Regulation) (Articles 4 and 5 on Separate Sale of Roaming Services)

Document number: BoR (13) 54

Document date: 14-05-2013

Date of registration: 14-05-2013

Document type:
Author: BEREC

From 14 May to 3 June 2013 BEREC is holding a public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines in relation to the regulated retail roaming services under Article 4 and 5 of the Roaming Regulation. In that relation BEREC has published the following documents the current draft Guidelines and  a cosnultation paper (document N BoR (13) 53), which interested parties could use to submit thier responses.

All responses to the current consultation have to be sent to the BEREC Office Programme Management mailbox: [email protected]. Comments should preferably be given in English.

BEREC will hold also a public hearing on the draft documents at the BIPT Premises, DG AGRICULTURE, Ellipse Building - Bâtiment C - Boulevard du Roi Albert II 35 - 1030 Brussels on 29 May, from 13.00 to 16.00 h.