Conclusions of the 21st meeting of the Board of Regulators in Brussels (Belgium)

The BEREC Board of Regulators (BoR) held its 21st ordinary plenary meeting on 4 and 5 December 2014 in Brussels. During the meeting the BoR agreed that the Chair for 2016 of the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) and the MC Vice-Chairs for 2015 should hold the same positions in the BoR, to be referred to respectively as ‘BEREC Chair 2016’ and ‘BEREC Vice-Chairs 2015’. The BoR also agreed to hold a joint vote for these posts only during the MC session and acknowledge the results of the vote held at the MC meeting.

Therefore, following the elections held at the MC, the following persons were considered also elected for the respective posts at the BoR: Mr Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice-President of BNetzA(Germany), was elected as BEREC Chair 2016 and Ms Lidia Kozłowska – Vice-President of UKE(Poland) and Mr Kevin O’Brien – Chairperson of ComReg(Ireland) were elected as BEREC Vice-Chairs 2015.

According to the Rules of Procedure, the elected Chair 2016 and the Outgoing Chair 2014 (Mr Göran Marby (PTS)) must serve one year as Vice-Chairs in 2015 to support the BEREC Chair 2015, Dr Fátima Barros(ANACOM), who was elected Chair 2015 at the 17th BoR meeting (5-6 December 2014, Budapest).

The BoR approved for publication the following documents:

–          BEREC Strategy 2015-2017and the Report on the outcome of the public consultation (PC) on the draft Strategy;

–          BEREC Work Programme (WP) 2015and the Report on the outcome of the PC on the draft WP;

–          BoR Decision on BEREC Expert Working Groups (EWGs);

–          BEREC Guidance on the regulatory accounting approach to the economic replicability test (ex-ante margin squeeze tests)and the Report on the outcome of the PC on the draft Guidance;

–          BEREC Report on transparency and comparability of different roaming tariffs;

–          BEREC Monitoring Report on the implementation of the BEREC Common Positions on WLA, WBA and WLL – Phase I;

–          Termination Rates Benchmark Snapshot (as of January 2014): Integrated Report on Mobile Termination Rates & SMS Termination Rates;

–          BEREC Questions to stakeholders for the preparation of the BEREC Report on oligopoly analysis and regulation’;

–          Amended BoR Rules of Procedure.

The full meeting conclsuions are available below.

Document number: BoR (14) 211
Document date: 21 December 2014
Date of registration: 09 January 2015
Document type:
Author: BEREC