Conclusions of the 16th meeting of the Board of Regulators in Riga (Latvia)

Board of Regulators held its 16th meeting on 26 September 2013 in Riga (Latvia), kindly hosted by the Latvian Public Utilities Commission - SPRK, in cooperation with the BEREC Office.

The meeting was attended by high-level representatives of the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) with primary responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the markets for electronic communications networks and services established in each EU member state and the Commission. Representatives of the NRAs from the EFTA states and the states that are candidates for accession to the EU also took part in the meeting and were represented at high level.

The meeting was presided by Dr Leonidas Kanellos, President of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT), BEREC Chair 2013. The meeting conclusions are presented below for information to all interested parties.

The most important documents adopted during the meeting for publication can be consulted from the list provided below:

1.    International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report July 2012 – March 2013;

2.    BEREC International Roaming Compliance Report (Regulation (EU) No 531/512 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 on roaming);

3.    BEREC Report on the Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2013;

4.    Methodology for monitoring the implementation of the BEREC Common Positions (CPs) on Wholesale Local Access (WLA), Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) and Wholesale Leased Lines (WLL).

During its 16th meeting the Board of Regulators adopted also the Draft BEREC 2014 Work Programme for public consultation to be held within the period 1-25 October 2013 with a public hearing on 17 October 2013, open to all interested parties.

Document number: BoR (13) 140
Document date: 07 October 2013
Date of registration: 07 October 2013
Document type:
Author: BEREC