BEREC Press Releases

118 Results: BEREC / BEREC Press Releases
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (14) 30 PRESS RELEASE - BEREC starts working on opinion on Commission’s proposal on relevant markets BEREC
BoR (13) 197 Press release from the 17th BEREC plenary, 5-6 Dec. 2013, Budapest BEREC
BoR (13) 124 BEREC launches process to monitor implementation of broadband best practices BEREC
BoR (13) 86 BEREC has published the Guidelines on the application of the Roaming Regulation (EC) No 531/2012 regarding articles 4 and 5 on the separate sale of roaming BEREC
BoR (13) 75 Press release from the 15th Plenary meeting in Athens - BEREC elects Chair 2014 BEREC
BoR (13) 33 BEREC provides an update on its opinion on the Commission's draft Recommendation on cost orientation and non-discrimination. BEREC
BoR (12) 148 BEREC adopts revised broadband common positions, net neutrality reports, and the 2013 work programme BEREC
BoR (12) 121 BEREC and VP Kroes meet to discuss their shared commitment to boosting broadband connectivity in Europe BEREC
BoR (12) 110 PRESS RELEASE - BEREC consults on broadband common positions and 2013 work programme BEREC
BoR (12) 74 Press-release BEREC unveils its new public website BEREC
Press release from the 11th BEREC plenary, 24-25 May 2012, Dubrovnik BEREC
BEREC publishes net neutrality findings and new guidance for consultation BEREC
Telco summit boosts BEREC stakeholder engagement programme BEREC
Press-release by BEREC on strategic dialogue BEREC Chair 2012
Press release from the 10th BEREC plenary, 23-24 Feb. 2012, Vienna BEREC
Press-release from the 9th BEREC plenary, 8-9 Dec. 2012 BEREC