Notification pursuant to Article 110(2) of the Staff Regulations: Commission Decision C(2017) 6760 final of 16.10.2017

With the current letter the European Commission informs the BEREC Office about the adoption of Commission Decision C(2017) 6760 on general provisions for implementing Article 79(2) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union, governing the conditions of employment of contract staff employed by the Commission under the terms of Articles 3a and 3b thereof.
The current notification is a third party document, for which no consent for its publication from the third party has been received, therefore the document is not available to the public.

This current document is a part of internal decision making process and is not available to public.
Notification pursuant to Article 110(2) of the Staff Regulations: Commission Decision C(2017) 6760 final of 16.10.2017 PDF -
Document number: MC (17) 99
Document date: 19 October 2017
Date of registration: 15 November 2017
Document type:
Author: European Commission