Information note on the current status of the expert reimbursements processed by the BEREC Office contractor on behalf of the BEREC Office

According to the provisions of Financial Regulation the experts’ reimbursements should be paid by the BEREC Office within a period of 30 days from the receipt of the complete file. Since the very beginning of its operation the BEREC Office has experienced difficulties in complying with this deadline due to the original design of the process. The BEREC Office has done a lot of effort to limit the payments delays; however, executing 100 % of the payments within the 30 day deadline has proved to be very challenging due to the complicated way of the reimbursement processing when using the services of the PMO. To resolve the matter in the best possible way the BEREC Office requested an external service provider through an existing Framework contract to process the expert reimbursements for two big events at the end of 2016, which has lead to extremely satisfactory outcome resulting in significant decrease of payment time (16 days in average). The BEREC Office has extended the process to Expert Working Group meetings and other BEREC events and in the 1st quarter of 2017 the process is being streamlined and stabilised. The current document is intended for internal use and is not available to the public.

This current document is a part of internal decision making process and is not available to public.
Information note on the current status of the expert reimbursements processed by the BEREC Office contractor on behalf of the BEREC Office PDF -
Document number: MC (17) 43
Document date: 19 May 2017
Date of registration: 19 May 2017
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office AM