Final Audit Report on the IAS audit on activities under Art.7 and 7a including Stakeholders Relationship Management and External Communicatgion in BEREC Office

This report summarises the results of the audit on Activities under Article 7 and 7a1 of the Framework Directive including Stakeholders Relationship Management and External Communication in the Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications undertaken by the Internal Audit Service (IAS) of the European Commission in the period from 5 to 9 October 2015.
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Final Audit Report on the IAS audit on activities under Art.7 and 7a including Stakeholders Relationship Management and External Communicatgion in BEREC Office PDF -
Document number: MC (15) 147
Document date: 21 December 2015
Date of registration: 22 December 2015
Document type:
Author: Internal Audit Service (IAS) of the European Commission