Conclusions of the 23rd plenary meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee, 5 June 2015, Bergen (Norway)

The BEREC Office Management Committee held its 23rd meeting on 4 and 5 June 2015 in Bergen (Norway), hosted by the BEREC Office. The plenary meeting was chaired by the BEREC Chair 2015, Mrs. Fátima Barros, the President of the Board of ANACOM, Portugal.

The MC approved for publication and/or implementation the following decisions:
BEREC Office MC Decision on appraisal of contract agents;
BEREC Office MC Decision on engagement and use of “2f” temporary agents;
BEREC Office MC Decision to repeal the MC Decision covering schooling fees;
BEREC Office MC Decision on “attestation procedure” relevant for officials;
BEREC OfficeMC Decision on adoption of five IR relevant for staff serving in third countries
BEREC Office MC Decision on “working time” at the BEREC Office;
BEREC Office MC Decision on the change of category of staff;
BEREC Office MC Decision on proposal No 1 to the MC for transfers from Title 2 to Title 3 in the BEREC Office Budget;
- 2014 BEREC Office Consolidated Annual Activity Report.

Documents approved for internal use:
The MC discussed the next steps in relation to the review of the BEREC Office organisational and financial structure envisaged in Article 11 (5) of the BEREC Regulation and approved an outline of the contribution to be prepared by the MC and submitted to the Commission for consideration.

The MC took note of the information provided in the following documents:
- Report on the activity of the appointing authority (January – May 2015)
- Explanatory Note on transfers by Administrative Manager in BEREC Office Budget 2015 in January-March 2015;
- 2015 BEREC Office Quarterly Report on operation and budget execution.

The next meeting of the BEREC Office MC will take place on 2 October 2015 in Riga (Latvia) and will be hosted by the Latvian Public Utilities Commission (SPRK).

Document number: MC (15) 70
Document date: 19 June 2015
Date of registration: 19 June 2015
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office MC