Conclusions of the 21st Meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee, 5-6 December 2014, Brussels (Belgium)

The BEREC Office Management Committee held its 21st meeting on 4 and 5 December 2014 in Brussels (Belgium), hosted by the BEREC Office. The plenary meeting was chaired by the BEREC Chair 2014, Mr Göran Marby, Director-General of PTS (Sweden).

The BEREC Office MC discussed current issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office. The MC approved for publication and implementation a Decision to approve the establishment of a reserve list for the post of Financial and Accounting Assistant (TA – Grade AST3) of the BEREC Office.

The MC held an orientation debate on the multiannual programming outlook of the BEREC Office for the period 2016-2018. The outcome of the debate will be used by the BEREC Office for the preparation of the BEREC Office Multiannual staff policy plan for 2016-2018 and the draft BEREC Office Budget for 2016, which will be submitted to the MC for approval by electronic voting in January 2015.

The MC took note of the following information:

-        Report on the BEREC Office operation January – September 2014 (key activities, budget execution and human resources management);

-        Information on the administrative complaints against BEREC Office brought before the Civil Service Tribunal by a former staff member,

-        Information on the transfers carried out by the Administrative Manager (AM) in the BEREC Office Budget 2014 in July-September 2014.


Full information about the outcome of the meeting is available below.

Document number: MC (14) 152
Document date: 05 December 2014
Date of registration: 22 December 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office MC