Conclusions of the 20th meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee, 26 September 2014, Rome (Italy)

The 20th meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) took place on 26 September 2014 in Rome (Italy), kindly hosted by the Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM). The meeting was chaired by the BEREC Chair 2014, Mr Göran MARBY, Director-General of PTS (Sweden).

The BEREC Office MC discussed current issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office. The MC approved the following documents:

-               BEREC Office Work Programme (WP) 2015;

-               MC Decision on the designation of two Reporting Officers for the assessment of the probationary period of the BEREC Office Administrative Manager (AM);

-               MC Decision on the empowerment of the AM for the signature of a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with ENISA, in accordance with articles 82, 83 and 84 of the BEREC Office Financial Regulation MC/2014/1;

-               MC Opinion on the observations of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) on the Final Account of the BEREC Office for 2013.

The MC was informed about the recent developments in BEREC Office human resources (HR), the on-going and planned procurement procedures and projects and the transfers carried outby the AM within the BEREC Office Budget 2014 in the period May-July 2014.

The MC took note of the recent activity of the BEREC Office Advisory Group (BAG), established by the 18th MC plenary meeting (28 February 2014, Stockholm) to advise the MC on issues related to the operation of the BEREC Office MC.

Document number: MC (14) 103
Document date: 26 September 2014
Date of registration: 06 October 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office MC