Conclusions of the 19th meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee, 6 June 2014, Dublin (Ireland)

The BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) held its 19th plenary meeting on 6 June 2014, Dublin (Ireland). The MC discussed current issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office and approved the following documents:

-                    Decision on the appointment of the HR Officer;
-                    BEREC Office 2013 annual activity report (AAR);
-                    MC opinion on the 2013 BEREC Office final accounts;
-                    Revised MC Rules of Procedure.

The MC took note of the preliminary observations of the European Court of Auditors prior to their Report on the annual accounts of the BEREC Office for the financial year 2013. The MC also discussed the Annual Administrative Report from the BEREC Office Authorising Officer (AO)/Administrative Manager, the 2013 BEREC Office final accounts and the state of play of the execution of the 2014 BEREC Office Budget as at 31 March 2014.

The full Conclusions of the 19th meeting of the BEREC OfficeMC are presented in the document provided below.

Document number: MC (14) 77
Document date: 06 June 2014
Date of registration: 27 June 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office MC