Draft Agenda of the 23rd Meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee in Bergen (Norway)

The 23rd BEREC plenary meeting will take place in the period 3-5 June 2015 in Bergen (Norway), kindly hosted by Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom).

The plenary meeting will be chaired by the BEREC Chair 2015 – Prof. Fátima Barros – President of the Board of ANACOM (Portugal). The meeting is open for participation only to BEREC Members and Observers.

After the plenary meeting in Bergen, on 19 June in Brussels there will be a public debriefing from the plenary meeting, where all interested parties are most welcome to take a part in.

Document number: MC (15) 63
Document date: 25 May 2015
Date of registration: 25 May 2015
Document type:
Author: BEREC Chair