European Commission opinion on the Draft Programming Document of the BEREC Office for the period 2017-2019

As required by Article 32 of the BEREC Office Financial Regulation in January 2016 the BEREC Office Management Committee approved a Draft Annual and Multiannual Programming of the BEREC Office Activities 2017-2019 in line with the guidelines set by the Commission.

The draft document has been sent to the Commission for its opinion as required by the provisions of Article 32 (2) of the Regulation mentioned above.

On 10 August 2016 the BEREC Office has received the Commission opinion, which will be examined by the Management Committee during its next meeting to take place on 6 and 7 October 2016 in Vilnius (Lithuania), kindly hosted by the Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT).

This document is a third party document, for which no consent for its publication from the third party has been received. Therefore it is not available to the public.

This current document is a part of internal decision making process and is not available to public.
European Commission opinion on the Draft Programming Document of the BEREC Office for the period 2017-2019 PDF -
Document number: MC (16) 95
Document date: 08 August 2016
Date of registration: 11 August 2016
Author: EC