
275 Results: BEREC Office / Others
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
MC (16) 27 Communication concerning a new Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office Management Committee from the Lithuanian NRA - Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania, RRT The Director of the Lithuanian NRA - RRT
MC (16) 25 Communication concerning a new Member of the BEREC Office Management Committee from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia NRA - Agency for Electronic Communications, AEC The Director of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia NRA - AEC
MC (16) 26 Up-dated list of the Members and Observers of the BEREC Office Management Committee as of 11 February 2016 BEREC Office
MC (16) 16 Letter to the BEREC Office Administrative Manager concerning the IAS Audit on Activities under Art.7 and 7a including Stakeholders Relationship Management and External Communication in BEREC Office – Reply to Action Plan. Internal Audit Service (IAS) of the European Commission
MC (16) 13 Report on the outcome of e-Voting procedure on the draft Annual and Multi-annual Programming of the BEREC Office activities for the period 2017-2019 BEREC Office
MC (16) 10 Letter to the IAS in relation to the action plan for the implementing the recommendations made in Final Audit Report on Activities under Articles 7 and 7a BEREC Office
MC (16) 11 Communication concerning a new Member of the BEREC Office Management Committee from the Finnish NRA - Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority. The Director of the Finnish NRA - FICORA
MC (16) 08 Launch of the voting round on the Annual and Multi-annual Programming of the BEREC Office Activities 2017-2019 BEREC Chair
MC (16) 12 Up-dated list of the Members and Observers of the BEREC Office Management Committee as of 22 January 2016 BEREC Office
MC (16) 07 Launch of the comments round on the Annual and Multi-annual Programming of the BEREC Office Activities 2017-2019 BEREC Chair
MC (15) 147 Final Audit Report on the IAS audit on activities under Art.7 and 7a including Stakeholders Relationship Management and External Communicatgion in BEREC Office Internal Audit Service (IAS) of the European Commission
MC (15) 141 IAS audit on activities under Art.7 and 7a including Stakeholders Relationship Management and External Communicatgion in BEREC Office Internal Audit Service (IAS) of the European Commission
MC (15) 142 Letter from the BEREC Office Administrative Manager to the IAS Berec Office
MC (15) 148 Letter from the Director of ECA to the BEREC Administrative Manager on the Preliminary Finding and Other Issues presented during the closing meeting European Court of Auditors
MC (15) 144 Notification pursuant to Article 297 of TFEU: Commission Decision C(2015)9560 final of 16.12.2015 European Commission
MC (15) 145 Notification pursuant to Article 297 of TFEU: Commission Decision C(2015)9561 final of 16.12.2015 European Commission