Rules of procedure on the operation of BEREC Working Groups

Article 13.4 of Regulation 2018/1971 establishes that the Board of Regulators shall adopt rules of procedure laying down the practical arrangements for the operation of BEREC’s Working Groups.
According to Article 11 of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Regulators, BEREC work is carried out via its WGs.
Article 3 of the mentioned BoR RoP sets out the duties of the BEREC Chair and Vice-Chairs and provides that the BEREC Chair shall assign clusters of WGs to the Vice-Chairs, in order for them to follow their relevant work.
The present WG Rules of Procedure contain detailed rules to implement the above provisions.

Document number: BoR (19) 143
Document date: 24 July 2019
Date of registration: 14 August 2019
Document type:
Author: BEREC