Consultation report for BEREC report Monitoring quality of Internet access services in the context of net neutrality

In this consultation report BEREC summarises and provides comments to the submissions received from stakeholders in respect of the document entitled “BoR (14) 24 Draft BEREC report on Monitoring quality of Internet access services in the context of net neutrality”.The consultation was published on the BEREC website, inviting stakeholders to send their replies by the 28th April 2014. A total of 20 replies were received from a range of organisations, including consumer associations, Internet service providers (ISPs), content & application providers (CAPs) as well as measurement providers. Comments were received from FFT, AFNIC, IP-Label, P3 Group, Telefonica, Belgacom, ETNO, VON Europe, EBU, GSMA, ANGA, Telecom Italia, Telecom Austria Group (TAG), FTTH Council Europe, Alladin (Specure), Cedexis, European Internet Science consortium (Sussex Law School), Cable Europe, BEUC and Wind.

This consultation report should be read in conjunction with the consulted document, the responses to the consultation and the final document as published on the BEREC website http:/

Document number: BoR (14) 116
Document date: 25 September 2014
Date of registration: 29 September 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC