BEREC feasibility study on development of coverage information for 5G deployments

Previous network generations have been designed as general-purpose communication networks with limited differentiation capabilities across use cases. 5G is expected to create an ecosystem for technical and business innovation involving vertical markets such as energy, agriculture, city management, government, healthcare, manufacturing, public transportation, to say the least. It will serve a larger portfolio of applications with requirements ranging from high reliability to ultra-low latency to high bandwidth and mobility.
The 5G ecosystem is likely to become the cornerstone for digital connectivity which is a major driver of economic growth and serving societal needs. Many of the proposed 5G services and use cases and their respective providers are part of a particular vertical market (i.e. services which are specific to an industry or a group of customers), some of which have been broadly classified by the 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) as ’verticals’, but which BEREC considers are businesses with connectivity requirements. Businesses with connectivity requirements / vertical industries are expected to be the main driver of making the 5G ecosystem sustainable.

Document number: BoR (19) 191
Document date: 03 October 2019
Date of registration: 10 October 2019
Document type:
Author: BEREC