Draft BEREC Report on measures for ensuring equivalence of access and choice for disabled end-users

Directive (EU) 2018/1972, establishing the European Electronic Communication Code, gives Member States an important role in promoting equivalence of access and choice for end-users with disabilities.

At the outset, it should be clarified that, in the context of this report, “equivalence” means that equivalent access to and choice of electronic communications services should be available to end-users with disabilities, irrespective of any additional costs incurred in providing them. This may be accomplished by implementing specific solutions for end-users with disabilities, which not necessarily coincide with those available to other end-users.

The aim of this report is primarily to collate information from NRAs for the purposes of compiling an inventory of measures and initiatives that NRAs might consider when evaluating any action to be pursued under the terms of relevant legislative provisions.

Document number: BoR (22) 90
Document date: 09 June 2022
Date of registration: 14 June 2022
Document type:
Author: BEREC