BEREC Public Consultation on the data economy

Taking this into account, BEREC considers that it is important to study the impact of the data economy on the electronic communications sector that is under its regulatory scope, as well as considering the role that NRAs could play in the context of the data economy. Essentially, BEREC is interested in deepening its knowledge of how the data economy could affect its traditional line of work (both in terms of reshaping Electronic Communications Markets and in terms of the tools that can be used by NRAs to conduct their regulation activity) and how BEREC could contribute to the development of the data economy.

With this aim, BEREC has carried out some preparatory meetings with academics and stakeholders, including a workshop in June 2018, at which NRAs’ Heads and various relevant actors took part. Following on from this, BEREC will prepare a report to be published in mid-2019.

As part of the preparatory tasks, BEREC has prepared this call for input with the aim of getting insights from all types of actors (consumers, companies in the telecommunications sector, digital companies, other companies, institutions) on issues to be taken into account by NRAs in the context of the data economy, as well as ideas on where the experience of NRAs can be used, in collaboration with other regulatory bodies, to encourage the development of the data economy.

Document number: BoR (18) 168
Document date: 04 October 2018
Date of registration: 10 October 2018
Document type:
Author: BEREC