Call for expression of interest for Seconded National Experts at the BEREC Office

The Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC Office) would like to invite candidates to apply for the establishment of a reserve list of seconded national experts (SNES) at the BEREC Office. The SNEs will work in the Programme Management Unit of the BEREC Office.

The BEREC Office will accept applications received through:

-              Permanent Representations to the EU of a Member State,

-              the NRAs with primary responsibility in electronic communications,

-              the EFTA Secretariat or

-              the administration of IGOs.

Candidates should send their applications, preferably in English, to one of the entities listed above, on the basis of the respective national/organisation rules.

Applications must be submitted by the respective Permanent Representation to the EU of the Member State, the NRA with primary responsibility in electronic communications, the EFTA Secretariat or the administration of the IGO to the BEREC Office no later than 15 April 2018 15 May 2018 at midday.

The contact e-mail address of the BEREC Office is [email protected].

Please make sure to include BEREC/2018/01 in the subject line of the e-mail.

Document number: BEREC/2018/01
Document date: 02 March 2018
Date of registration: 02 March 2018
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office