BEREC Office Work Programme 2012

BEREC Office Work Programme for 2012 was approved by the BEREC Office Management Committee according to Article 9(3) of the Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009. The work programme of the Office is equivalent to a financing decision for the activities it covers and it comprises the objectives and performance indicators to be achieved by the Office.

Taking into account the supportive functions of the BEREC Office, the BEREC Office work programme has to be considered together with the BEREC Work Programme for 2012

In compliance with its 2012 Annual Work Programme the BEREC Office has to undertake the following actions:

  • to collect the necessary data from NRAs for implementing the BEREC Work Programme on request by BEREC or its Expert Working Groups;
  • to collect information from the NRAs about new regulatory decisions and conformity with BEREC Common Positions;
  • to analyse the remedies proposed by NRAs and EC concerns expressed in comments letters;
  • to analyse developments of emerging challenges;
  • to provide support in contacting external stakeholders and other third parties;
  • to conduct studies that would build up expertise and to organise workshops;
  • to provide support the Expert Working Groups;
  • to ensure exchange of best practices and technical expertise and other third parties;
  • to maintain the BEREC web page and others, etc.
Document number: MC (11) 25
Document date: 30 September 2011
Date of registration: 01 August 2012
Author: BEREC Office MC