Annual and Multiannual Programming of the BEREC Office Activities 2017-2019

In compliance with the provisions of Article 32 of the BEREC Office Financial Regulation, in January 2016, the BEREC Office MC approved a draft multi-annual programming document for the period 2017-2019, which had the objective of ensuring consistent programming of its activities with its resource programming (e.g. multi-annual budget and staff).

The document was prepared on the basis of the Commission Guidelines of 16 December 2014 and the outcome of the orientation debate held on the subject by the BEREC Office Management Committee during its 25th plenary meeting (10-11 December 2015, London).

As required by the BEREC Office Financial Regulation the draft has been submitted to the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.

On 8 August 2016 the Commission adopted its Opinion on the document according to which the draft programming document is overall in line with the scope, objectives and tasks of the BEREC Office. However, the Commission made some proposals for amending the document including by aligning the resource planning per activity with the draft General Budget of the EU tabled by the Commission and the methodology for job screening approved by the Network of Agencies in October 2015.

Consequently, at its 29th plenary meeting (9 December 2016, Berlin), the Management Committee approved a revised, final version of the document, in which the Management Committee decided to take into account the recommendations of the Commission as far as possible.

The final programming document comprises the BEREC Office multi-annual programme for the period 2017-2019 and its annual work programme for 2017.

Document number: MC (16) 136
Document date: 05 December 2016
Date of registration: 09 December 2016
Author: BEREC Office