2022 Consolidated Annual Activity Report of the BEREC Office

This document provides an overview of the activities carried out by the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office, Agency) in 2022 with the aim to inform the BEREC Office Management Board  (MB)  of  the  progress  in  the  implementation  of  its Work  Programme  (WP) for  2022. The report includes measurements  of  the  key  performance  indicators;  identifies  any  major  impediments  to accomplishing  the  annual  objectives  and  presents  up-to-date  information  about  the  level  of budget execution during 2022.

The MB adopted the document on 29 June 2023 by electronic voting procedure.

Document number: MB (23) 50
Document date: 29 June 2023
Date of registration: 29 June 2023
Author: BEREC Office