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733 Results: BEREC / Others
Displaying 551 - 560 of 733 results
Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (14) 42 BEREC Statement on European Parliament’s vote on Telecoms legislative proposals BEREC
BoR (14) 41 List of the Members and Observers of the Board of Regulators established pursuant to Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 establishing BEREC and the Office BEREC Office
BoR (14) 40 BEREC Statement on the second Broadband Quality of Service report prepared for the European Commission BEREC
BoR (14) 38 Report on the outcome from the voting round on the draft BEREC Opinion in Phase II case LV/2014/1538 BEREC Chair
BoR (14) 37 Launch of a voting round of an electronic voting procedure of the Board of Regulators on a draft BEREC opinion on a Phse II Case LV/2014/1538 BEREC Chair
BoR (14) 35 Outcomes of the BEREC 18th Plenary Meeting 27-28 February 2014 BEREC Chair
BoR (14) 36 Overview of the results from the BEREC Stakeholder Workshop on Relevant Markets (26 February 2014, Stockholm) Market and Economic Analysis EWG chairs
BoR (14) 34 Letter from the European Commission to BEREC in relation to the implementation of the universal service provisions Deputy Director-General of DG CONNECT, European Commission
BoR (14) 32 Vodafone response to the European Commission consultation on the review of relevant markets Vodafone
BoR (14) 31 Comments on the draft Recommendation on relevant markets of 01051 Telecom GmbH, Gallax Telecom Holding GmbH and MEGA Communications BmbH JUCONOMY Rechtsanwaelte
Displaying 551 - 560 of 733 results