10 February 2012

Public consultation 03/12 on the impact of fixed-mobile substitution in market definition

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Run from 9 January to 10 February 2012


The draft BEREC Report on impact of fixed-mobile substitution (FMS) in market definition was discussed and agreed at the BEREC Board of Regulators meeting in Bucharest on 8 December 2011.

The main objectives of the draft Report are to:

  1. present generic information of the current situation in the EU Member States regarding FMS;

  2. provide guidance on the information that may be used by NRAs to analyse the possible integration of fixed and mobile services in the same market; and
  3. present a generic analysis on the potential impact of FMS on traditional fixed markets failures.

In accordance with the 2011 BEREC Work Programme, the aforementioned draft was published for public consultation, which was run in the period 9 January – 10 February 2012.

The summery of the comments received within the public consultation can be consulted in the relevant BEREC Report, which contains also information how they were reflected in the final report.

All individual contribution received by BEREC can be consulted below (listed in alphabetical order of the name of the contributors):

ECTA, ETNO, ONITELECOM, Telecom Italia, Telefonica, Telekom Austria, VATM and WIND.

The final BEREC Report on impact of FMS in market definition, which takes into account also the comments received during the public consultation can be consulted here.