04 November 2011

Public consultation 03/11 on the draft BEREC Work Programme 2012

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Run from 3 October to 2 November 2011

The draft BEREC Work Programme 2012 was discussed and agreed at the meeting of the Board of Regulators held in Barcelona on 30 September 2011. In accordance with Article 5 of the BEREC Regulation, the BEREC Work Programme is subject to consultation. In that respect BEREC held a public consultation on the draft in the period 3 October - 2 November 2011. In addition to that on 21 October 2011 in Brussels, BEREC organised an oral hearing open to the public.

The role of public consultation was to increase transparency and to provide BEREC with valuable feedback from stakeholders and other interested parties. In accordance with the BEREC policy on public consultation, the latter published a Report on the outcome from the consultation containing a summary of all contributions received and an explanation as to how the views expressed in them were taken into account in the final Work Programme.

All individual contribution received by BEREC can be consulted below (listed in alphabetical order of the name of the contributors):

Belgacom, Breko, Cable Europe, ECTA, EIDQ , ETNO, FTTH Council Europe, INTUG, Phone Ability, SFR, Telecom Italia, Telekom Austria Group, The Number, Virgin Media and VON Europe.

The final 2012 BEREC Work Programme as approved by the Board of Regulators following the public consultation can be consulted here.