04 July 2010

Public consultation 02/10 on the draft BEREC procedures for public consultations held by the BEREC

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Run from 4 June to 2 July 2010

In compliance with Article 17 of Regulation (EC) 1211/2009, where appropriate, BEREC shall consult interested parties before adopting opinions, regulatory best practices or reports and give them the opportunity to send their comments on the draft documents within a reasonable period of time. BEREC also has an obligation to make the results of each consultation procedure publicly available while taking into account any confidentiality-related issues.

With a view to streamlining the whole process for consulting interested parties on any draft BEREC documents and in order to increase the transparency of its procedure, the Board of Regulators decided to adopt a decision defining BEREC procedures for holding public consultations, which was published for public consultation on 4 June 2010.

The consultation was closed on 2 July 2010.

In that period BEREC received 4 individual contributions from: Colt, ETNO, Vodafone Romania and Wind Telecomunicazioni.

Following the closing of the consultation period BEREC analysed the contributions and prepared a  BEREC report of the consultation on the draft BEREC procedures for public consultations, which outlines the main comments received and explains how BEREC has taken them into account.

The final BERECproceduresfor publicconsultations heldbythe BEREC, which take into account the contributions received during the public consultation is presented in Decision BoR (10) 27 final.

You can download the full history of the public consultation here.