24 May 2021

Strengthening Europe’s digital communications capability, resilience and inclusivity

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On 26-27 May 2021, BEREC and the International Institute of Communications (IIC) will hold a joint IIC/BEREC Telecommunications and Media Forum to discuss the steps needed to strengthen the digital capabilities of Europe, increase the resilience of the electronic communications market and close the digital divide.

The BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen and the president of IIC Chris Chapman will open the two-day event. The recovery, resilience, and delivery of the Digital decade will focus on the first discussion, followed by the topic on Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act. During the panel discussion, the participants will focus on the roles and responsibilities, effectiveness and future-proofing, and the international consensus in this regard. The first day of the event will conclude with the in-conversation session. 

On the second day, 27 May 2021, the Forum will continue with the discussions on green growth, sustainability and information and communications technology (ICT) role in climate change. The distinguished speakers of the event will also pay special attention to a paradigm shift for secure connectivity and critical infrastructure provision. The discussion between the BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen and the acting Chair of the Federal Communications Commission (USA), Jessica Rosenworcel, will conclude the two-day event.  

Consult the Agenda of the event for more information. 

Participation at the event 
The IIC/BEREC Telecommunications and Media Forum will take place on a dedicated online platform with possibilities for the registered participants to watch the livestream, explore the event's programme, information about the speakers, and ask questions to the speakers. In order to be able to access the platform, the participants shall be registered to the event. The registration will close on 25 May 2021.

On that date afternoon, the registered participants will receive the link and a password to access the platform. The link will be available also on the BEREC website on the day of the event. If the registered participants encounter technical difficulties accessing the platform, contact details of the helpdesk will be available on the day of the event.