08 March 2021

Registration to the first BEREC public debriefing is open

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On 17 March 2021 BEREC will hold its first public debriefing to present the 46th BEREC plenary meeting outcomes. Together with the Working Group co-Chairs the BEREC Chair 2021 Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) will present the documents adopted for publication and public consultations. The incoming BEREC Chair 2022 Annemarie Sipkes (ACM, the Netherlands) will invite stakeholders to contribute early inputs to the BEREC Work Programme 2022. 

During the event the speakers will present: 

  • BEREC Opinion on the revision of the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive; 
  • For a swift, effective and future-proof regulatory intervention: BEREC Opinion on the European Commission’s proposal for a Digital Markets Act ;
  • BEREC Guidelines on Geographical surveys of network deployments regarding the consistent implementation of Article 22 (2), 22 (3) and 22 (4). 

BEREC Chair will also launch the public consultations on the following documents: 

  • Draft BEREC Report on the harmonised definitions for indicators regarding Over-The-Top (OTT) services, relevant to electronic communication markets; 
  • Draft BEREC Report on the ex-ante regulation of digital gatekeepers; 
  • Draft BEREC Report on how to handle third-party payment charges on mobile phone bills.

The BEREC documents adopted will be available on our homepage a day before the public debriefing, on 16 March 2021. It will enable stakeholders to prepare questions to the speakers in advance. The list of publicly available documents will be also available on the BEREC website. 

IMPORTANT: The event will be online, and the stakeholders are invited to register their interest to participate and ask questions in the registration form. The event will be streamed via the dedicated streaming platform, also providing the live captioning. On the day of the event, the link to the public debriefing will be published on the BEREC website. The registered participants will receive detailed instructions on how to use the streaming platform for engagement with the speakers on the day of the event. Questions to the speakers can be asked during the event by using the live Q&A chat-box on the platform. Questions that are more complex can be sent in advance, by 15 March 2021 EoB to [email protected].