22 December 2020

Promoting full connectivity, supporting sustainable and open digital markets and empowering end-users – BEREC presents its Work Programme for 2021

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At the last public debriefing of this year, incoming BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) presented BEREC's Work Programme (WP) for 2021. By focusing on the three high-level priorities – promoting full connectivity, supporting sustainable and open digital markets and empowering end-users – BEREC aligns its WP 2021 with the BEREC Strategy 2021-2025.

Some of BEREC's key objectives in 2021 are the availability of Very High Capacity Networks and 5G services, accompanied by promoting the rollout of fibre and 5G. Meanwhile, in 2020 the Guidelines' establishment under the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) played an essential role in BEREC's work. The WP 2021 sets out a shift of this work towards the monitoring and assessing the Guidelines as a focal point.

Following Article 21 of the BEREC Regulation, the WP 2021 has been subject to public consultations from 6 October until 5 November 2020 to reflect the views of interested parties.

Similarly, stakeholders are going to be invited to forward their input for the WP 2022. To ensure active engagement of interested parties elected BEREC Chair will launch a call for input in Q1 2021.