10 December 2013

Launch of Public Consultation on the Draft Review of the BEREC Common Position on geographical aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies)

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The BEREC Board of Regulators discussed and adopted at the meeting in Budapest on 5 December 2013 the Draft Review of the BEREC Common Position on geographical aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies).

In accordance with the 2013 BEREC Work Programme, the aforementioned draft is published for public consultation until 07 February 2014. The role of the public consultation is to increase transparency and to provide BEREC with valuable feedback from all interested parties.

In accordance with the BEREC’s policy on public consultations, BEREC will publish a report summarising how stakeholders’ views have been taken into account. In addition, BEREC will also publish all individual contributions on its website, taking into account stakeholders’ requests for confidentiality, which should be clearly indicated in the contributions submitted (if any).

All stakeholders are invited to send their contributions by 07 February 2014 by e-mail to  [email protected]  in English.