27 June 2019

Joint BEREC and IIC conference in Riga, Latvia

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The joint conference "Competing Continents: The pursuit of excellence in electronic communications” of BEREC and International Institute of Communications took place on 25-26 June 2019 in Riga, Latvia.

Marking the 10th anniversary of the formation of BEREC and the ongoing celebrations of the IIC’s 50th anniversary, the two organisations were delighted to arrange this joint event in Riga (Latvia).

The event was opened by the BEREC Chair 2019 Jeremy Godfrey and the president of IIC – Chris Chapman. In the following six discussion panels covered themes like investments and connectivity, 5G technology, open internet, artificial intelligence, blockchain and platform regulation, followed by a Fireside Chat.  To have more information about the event, please see the full programme and the speakers of the conference.

Forum presentations were on the record, but subsequent discussions were under the Chatham House Rule. This enabled participants to speak freely, facilitating the open and honest exchange of information, and maximizing opportunities for the sharing of best practice among peers. The conference was organized based on the Chatham House rules, but the presentations are on the record and available here.

The conference was open to all stakeholders from the telecommunications, media and technology sectors, as well as experts from international organisations and private companies. It had more than 380 registered participants from all over the globe.

Watch a summary of the event below -