10 December 2018

Invitation to the BEREC public debriefing of the 37th plenary meetings

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BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl will present the outcomes of the latest plenary meetings at the public debriefing in Brussels on 12 December 2018. He invites all interested parties to attend in person or online via live stream and to ask questions. The main topics are:

  • 5G: Report on Spectrum Authorisation and Coverage Obligations as well as a Common Position on Infrastructure Sharing;
  • End-Users: Draft Report on Termination of Contracts and Switching of Provider for public consultation and a Report on Contractual Simplification;
  • Net Neutrality: Evaluation of the Net Neutrality Regulation and Guidelines;
  • Work Programme: Presentation of the BEREC Work Programme 2019.

Important: Due to security reasons, please register to the event in order to receive your entry pass to the European Commission’s premises: Room 5B, Albert Borschette Congress Center (CCAB), Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels, Belgium, 14:00 (CET) | Deadline 9 December

Watch us live on BEREC’s website | Questions via Twitter #BERECpublic or email: [email protected] | Recording of the event on BEREC’s YouTube channel afterwards