28 May 2020

Incoming BEREC Chair 2021 highlights the importance of the connectivity at the Forum Europe event

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The current situation regarding the rollout of full-fibre broadband networks across Europe and the challenges to its deployment were the issues in the focus of the panel discussion - Unlocking the Benefits of the Full-Fibre Gigabit Society: Challenges and Opportunities. On 28 May, the incoming BEREC Chair 2021 Michel Van Bellinghen joined 'Under the Spotlight’ series of European Policy Debates. Promoting full connectivity is one of BEREC’s main strategic pillars and this priority will be guiding our work for the coming years. Together with the high-level experts and policymakers, Van Bellinghen discussed the targets set and achieved for the rollout of fibre networks in Europe. The speakers of the panel discussion also touched on the lessons learned during the pandemic about the capability of existing networks around Europe and the urgency of the digital infrastructure upgrade. As 2020 marks the implementation of the European Electronic Communications Code, BEREC plays a crucial role in ensuring a harmonised implementation of the Code. By the end of this year, BEREC will have delivered 11 new Guidelines in total. Mr. Van Bellinghen touched upon some of them, like the Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks and the Guidelines on Co-investment. These Guidelines are important for creating regulatory stability and a predictable environment in Europe.

This crisis has taught us that the importance of connectivity cannot be underestimated. Promoting full connectivity will guide our work for the coming years and BEREC will ensure a harmonised implementation of the EECC by developing the necessary Guidelines,” said Michel Van Bellinghen.