01 March 2019

Highlighting cooperation between the independent NRAs in the EU and Eastern Partnership countries

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On 28 February 2019 BEREC Chair Jeremy Godfrey participated in the 3rd Eastern Partnership Ministerial Meeting on the Digital Economy organized by the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The aim of the meeting was to endorse a declaration on digital cooperation. Among the areas of cooperation are: harmonization of spectrum allocation, roaming pricing, implementing national strategies for broadband among the Eastern Partnership countries by the end of 2020.

The event brought together the EU Ministers responsible for the Digital Economy, European Commission Vice president Andrus Ansip, ministers from the six Eastern Partners, as well as representatives of international financial institutions, regulatory authorities for electronic communications, research and education data networks, and representatives of the private sector and civil society.

During the meeting BEREC Chair spoke about the ongoing cooperation between the independent National Regulatory Authorities in the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine), as well as bi-lateral engagements between NRAs.

BEREC plans to extend its Memorandum of Understanding with the Eastern Partnership Electronic Communications Regulators Network in 2019.

Photo credit: EC Audio-visual services