19 December 2020

Cybersecurity of 5G networks – online workshop

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On 21 December 2020, BEREC and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) are jointly organizing a virtual workshop on 5G cybersecurity toolbox developments and the ways forward. The aim of the event is to gather the ideas for the future work needed for the 5G toolbox implementation and to receive feedback on the work done so far at the EU level.

During the workshop, the BEREC, ENISA and the European Commission experts will present and discuss the EU-wide 5G Cybersecurity toolbox implementation process, its technical measures as well as the views of the National Regulatory Authorities’ and market and regulatory perspective.

The virtual event is open to experts, particularly interested in the cybersecurity of 5G networks. Participants from the EU telecom sector are highly encouraged to take part in the interactive session at the end of the event. To participate at the event, please register on the BEREC website by 18 December.

Participants are invited to submit questions at the registration to the event or email them to [email protected] before and/or during the event. The questions can be also posted on Twitter by using the dedicated hashtag - #BERECworkshop.