12 May 2021

BEREC Workshop on end-users in the context of the Digital Markets Act

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On 18 May 2021, from 14:00 to 16:30 CEST, BEREC will hold an online workshop on end-users in the context of the Digital Markets Act (DMA). The event aims at gathering input from stakeholders, such as consumers' associations, digital rights advocacy associations, civil society representatives and alternative businesses on how the DMA proposal could better protect and empower end-users’ rights. Register now.

This online workshop is already the second event in potentially a series of BEREC workshops that are focusing on regulating digital markets and services.

After opening remarks by the BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIP, Belgium), the Co-chairs of the BEREC Working Group on Market and Economic Analysis Jorge Infante (CNMC, Spain) and Chiara Caccinelli (Arcep, France) will introduce the participants to the BEREC position on the regulation of digital gatekeepers. 

Inge Bernaerts, Director for Policy and Strategy at the European Commission's (EC) Directorate General on Competition, will then provide introductory remarks on how the EC envisions the DMA protecting end-users' interests in their relationship with digital gatekeepers. She will be followed by Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) rapporteur for the DMA, Andreas Schwab (EPP), who will lay out the European Parliament's state of play regarding the DMA.

During the second part of the workshop, selected stakeholders and experts will then present their positions on the key questions in a roundtable format. The roundtable is structured around key questions such as the consequences of gatekeepers’ dominance in digital ecosystems, adequate tools to protect end-users’ rights and the role of European and national authorities in defining and enforcing regulatory measures. The workshop will then close with a round of questions and answers.

The workshop will be livestreamed on a dedicated platform. For accessing the livestreaming, participants shall register to the event. 

Participants attending the event can also send questions in advance via email to [email protected], via the registration form and a dedicated chat-box during the event.