23 February 2016

BEREC tasks crucial importance for implementation of new net neutrality and roaming provisions

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BEREC Chair 2016 Wilhelm Eschweiler took part at the BEREC – GSMA regulatory roundtable, which was organized during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain.
In his presentation, the BEREC Chair highlighted key topics of BEREC’s work programme this year in a wide field of regulatory aspects. Dr. Eschweiler emphasized, that the BEREC Work programme 2016 is seeking to address current regulatory challenges aiming to prepare for new challenges ahead resulting from market and technological developments.
Among the priorities in 2016 the BEREC Chair named – Telecoms Single Market (TSM)  follow up, emphasizing, that the TSM Regulation includes an important role of BEREC to lay down guidelines for the implementation of net neutrality rules. Furthermore he underlined that the BEREC tasks are of crucial importance for the implementation of new roaming provisions and for enabling the ultimate objective of a “roam like at home” situation in Europe.” Along with the TSM follow up, Wilhelm Eschweiler also stressed, that the upcoming review of the current legal framework for electronic communications is at the heart of BEREC’s work programme 2016.