22 February 2020

BEREC Stakeholder Forum on 1st April 2020: New date, new place, new formula

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On 1 April 2020, BEREC will hold its 8th annual Stakeholder Forum to engage with its stakeholders.

The main topic this year will be digital platform regulation where a high-level panel will share their views. The BEREC Chair Dan Sjöblom emphasizes, “The development of digital platforms has raised questions about their impact on the markets they operate in and if regulators are adequately equipped to address any potential market failures.  BEREC is now looking into how competition concerns in relation to digital platforms have been handled through the application of competition, law and other relevant legislative provisions”.
This year, for the first time, the stakeholders will have the opportunity to informally meet and greet with the BEREC Working Group Co-Chairs. The Co-chairs will be ready for a 10 minutes short questions-and-answers session. During these speed-dating sessions, the BEREC experts will be available to give further technical clarification within the scope of their expertise, in their respective BEREC Working Groups. The “Meet & Greet” session will take place from 09:30 until 12:00. In order to book a specific timeslot with a particular Working Group Co-chair,
please register here: https://reg.registration.lv/BERECmeetandgreet

With the purpose of preparing these short sessions,  we invite all interested stakeholders to send in specific questions to the BEREC Co-chairs before the event – in the registration form or by email [email protected].

If you miss the "Meet & Greet" sessions, we will invite stakeholders to express their views via the formal consultation channels, in line with the well-established BEREC practice!

The Stakeholder Forum is taking place in a new venue, with a new date and a new set-up! For the BEREC Stakeholder Forum general session, please register here.

Since the main purpose of the BEREC Stakeholder Forum is to interact with our stakeholders, the date, 1 April 2020 was carefully chosen, to allow early engagement on BEREC working programme 2021. Both BEREC working programme and strategy for the following years will be presented followed by a discussion with our stakeholders in order to receive valuable feedback on BEREC’s work.“ said the incoming BEREC Chair, Michel Van Bellinghen.  

During the Stakeholder Forum the BEREC Chair 2020, Dan Sjöblom, and incoming Chair Michel Van Bellinghen invite stakeholders to start an early dialogue regarding the BEREC work priorities and strategy for the future. The stakeholders will have a chance to participate in an open dialogue with Dan Sjöblom and Michel Van Bellinghen during a Q&A session. In order to have a fruitful discussion, we ask stakeholders willing to participate in the debate to send their contribution to the Chairs before the event to [email protected] .

The Executive Vice President of the European Commission for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age - Margrethe Vestager will deliver the closing remarks. The event will finish-up with the network reception. In rather informal atmosphere, the stakeholders will have a chance to continue discussions on the topics presented.