06 October 2021

BEREC proposals for a swift, effective and future-proof regulatory intervention towards digital gatekeepers

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After a couple of workshops and a public consultation round, BEREC has adopted and published its final Report on the ex-ante regulation of digital gatekeepers. During their engagement, stakeholders broadly supported most of the BEREC views and recognised the relevance and legitimacy of BEREC taking a stance on the ex-ante regulation of digital gatekeepers.

Thanks to feedback from the industry and other stakeholders – including civil society representatives – BEREC improved its draft document. BEREC now further details and reinforces its initial proposals, such as the remedy-tailoring, the set-up of an Advisory Board for Digital Markets Act (DMA), the need and conditions for a regulatory dialogue with different types of stakeholders and BEREC proposal for a dispute resolution mechanism in the context of the DMA. 

The BEREC Report highlights the need for an ex-ante asymmetric regulatory intervention towards digital gatekeepers, since it is key to ensure that competition and innovation are encouraged, end-users’ interests protected, and that the digital environment is open and competitive. While supporting a regulatory intervention at the EU level, BEREC believes that national competent independent authorities have existing skills on which the European Commission can rely on in the enforcement of the DMA. 

BEREC will present the final document and the outcomes of the public consultation during its public debriefing on 6 October in Brussels. BEREC also invites stakeholders to take the opportunity to meet the BEREC Working Group Co-chairs during the BEREC Stakeholder Forum on 28 October in Brussels.